living in this new and awesome age.

Ascension related;

Sandra Walter: Acceleration and the Solar Eclipse: Making the Choice

August 30, 2016 by Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Many have asked about the upcoming timeline shift, wondering if the Light Tribe can handle an acceleration since symptoms have been somewhat intense this year. Let us review a few items for clarity.

An acceleration is occurring regardless of our choice. Evolution is evolution. We are receiving a third wave of photonic light in September, the third in a series of waves intended to prepare us for the global intense shift in 2017. The first wave was in December/January, the second in April/May, and the third arrives in September. All of these waves are focused on amplifying the shift in consciousness and Ascension. This is a natural force of evolution in progress. How blessed we are to be incarnated during this fascinating passage.

Timelines offer various choices for our collective experience, and infinite possibilities for our individual experience. You are your own Universe, however when participating in a collective consciousness on a planet, the collective experience provides parameters for your creation within that collective.

The higher vibrational collective (those holding 5D – 12D codes and frequencies within their field) create a quantum dynamic which raises the rest of the collective (the unawakened, awakened to conspiracy, anyone not participating in the Ascension on a heart level – no judgment, they created balance and needed challenges for a while in this process) by the laws of quantum physics and Divine Love (the frequency upon which this Universe is built).

As the vibrational rate and light quotient of the HUman collective rises exponentially, opportunities for accelerated timelines present. This has been going on all throughout the Shift. Typically Lightworkers, Gatekeepers, and Gridworkers work in co-operation with the Higher realms to welcome in the highest possible experience for Humanity, Gaia, Kingdoms and Elementals. However, the incoming photonic light has taken on a new level; a more intense results-driven aspect as we approach a crucial tipping point next year.

Regardless of our collective intentions before the wave arrives in September, there will be an acceleration. That path was already pre-determined if we were to accomplish the Ascension timeline before 2012. And we did. We now have an opportunity to call forth – consciously, through our intentions and actions – a timeline which provides a heightened experience of embodiment for the high-vibe collective, Christed experiences for those who have not had them yet (mid-range vibrational level), a shift to spiritual disclosure for those obsessed with geo-political conspiracy, and more awakenings for those who have been asleep. Accelerated revelation, transparency, a quickening of financial shifts, and a global shift to health, well-being, and accelerated solutions to global peace. In brief, it releases the collective from lengthier paths to complimentary changes, transparency in leadership, and spiritual disclosure.

In linear terms, we are choosing between a major acceleration over the next year to receive the maximum effect of the 2017 shift, or a slow unfoldment over decades for the mid-to-lower vibrational collective. The High-Vibe Tribe – those focused and participating in the Ascension – will have a unique expansion into Christ consciousness regardless of the lower vibration, regardless of collective timeline choice. That is inevitable and cannot be interfered with, unless by personal choice.

Rather than view this acceleration as a worsening of physical symptoms, or Earth changes, or any other old light concern, let us shift the focus to consciousness. Obviously the body is adapting to accommodate the new light level. This is what happens when we evolve to a higher beingness in a single incarnation. Obviously Gaia responds to the incoming light. The lower reality is breaking apart. It may be inconvenient to be sleepy, vibrating, uncomfortable, tired-and-wired, spaced out, or forced to speak up or change your lifestyle to accommodate your True Self. However as volunteers in the big dimensional shift experiment, it is what it is. The Higher focus is on spiritual disclosure; the revelation of who we truly are and what this planet is being prepared to receive.

People ask when the discomfort will end. In brief, it changes when we achieve embodiment of crystalline consciousness and a consistent, unwavering connection with our Higher Selves. It will only take a small percentage of full-on embodiments to greatly affect the collective HUman heart grid and Gaia. We are nearly there and capable of calling the peace, balance, harmony and healing of Ascension forth, in the Now, as our Divine Co-creation.

Acceleration = Responsibility

Our upcoming Solar Eclipse on Wednesday night/Thursday morning (Thursday September 1 at 2:04am PT) is our next Gateway opportunity to welcome in the accelerated timeline. Solar eclipses are one of the strongest portals for our acceleration. Let us receive this light and assist Gaia in calling forth the New accelerated timeline (if that is your heart choice). Many of you have chosen this already on mind level; be sure that this is made on a heart level, and reflected indoor actions, thoughts, emotions, and core truth. If this decision is made from the heart, in the highest good of all concerned, you will receive significant personal acceleration during this eclipse. Allow your intuitive Lightworker Self guide your activities this week; it holds powerful shifting energetics that will raise your consciousness to *click into* the higher timelines of Ascension.


This passage is sacred; honor it, yourself, and others as the beloved HUman Ascension collective that we are. Review the Gateway dates provided in the previous article and welcome forth your true heart’s choice.

Transparency and disclosure is a global unfoldment; every heart and mind will have to come clean. Revelation affects everyone, not just *the bad guys* – and you can accelerate all of it through your own transparency and disclosure. Express all that is within your heart, and the collective will reflect that. Especially if you are consciously choosing acceleration – we must be in alignment for it to unfold with ease and grace.

The amplification occurs with the third wave regardless of the higher accelerated timeline coming into play. It may feel like it is happening already; that is just the wave building and entering our consciousness. If you are choosing to participate in the accelerated choice, please do so and demonstrate that purity and divinity prior to the Solar Eclipse.

On to the Oz-Ark Crystalline Vortex

Blessings and gratitude to everyone sending messages of support for my upcoming journey, they are deeply appreciated. Traveling for a week in the midst of these energies is both challenging and perfect. I have my itinerary for some significant work in Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Oklahoma on the way. Some gorgeous remote and sacred places, some bizarre ancient energies to clear, and a few surprises. I will be offline to focus on the work, however photos and quick updates may be posted on my Facebook and Twitter to share the journey.

Kindwhile, let us all go deeply into our hearts, clear the emotional attachments to delving into the unknown, accept our acceleration choices with joy and honesty, and demonstrate the peace of a strong Source-driven internal compass. Get comfortable with the unknown, make it your new norm. Unify with the Light Tribe on Wednesday for the Christed Unity Meditations; they truly assist with the new timelines presenting. All is incredibly well, Beloveds.

In Love, Light and Service,

Every element of the universe is in a constant state of vibration manifested to us as light, sound and energy. The human sense perceive only a fraction of the infinite range of vibration . . . A person can tune his or her own consciousness into the awareness of that totality with the use of a mantra. By vibrating in rhythm with the breath to a particular sound that is proportional to the creative sound, or sound current, one can expand one’s sensitivity to the entire spectrum of vibration. It is similar to striking a note on a stringed instrument. In other words, as you vibrate, the universe vibrates with you.” ~Yogi Bhajan



Sometimes we need simple affirmations that we can connect with at any moment. The following affirmations will help restore or maintain your inner peace. Please modify them as you like so that they sound like your own voice. Always bring them into your consciousness in a positive manner – if possible, with a tranquil smile on your face. And don’t give up. The use of positive affirmations takes time, as you are creating new neural pathways in your brain. Come to this practice with gentle and loving energy.

1. I am a channel of peace and well-being – my need for peace is abundantly met.

2. I accept, appreciate and love myself. Unconditionally.

3. I feel grateful for all of the abundance that flows into my life.

4. I experience a sense of peace and love with every breath I take.

5. I radiate peace and love to others, helping them to be in a state of peace and love..

6. I am an island of calm, in a sea of uncertainty.

7. All is well. Right here. Right now.

8. I can release my past and live with calm and serenity.

9. I am aware of all the beauty that is around me.

10. I let go of fear and embrace love.

11. I connect with the comforting silence of my Soul.

Amplify your spoken word by bringing these passages into your practice of journaling or through some other form of creative expression – artwork, song, dance. It is all perfect and beautiful.

Also consider utilizing these affirmations within a guided meditation practice.

Wishing you love and light in your journey to greater inner peace. Sat nam.

by Puranjot Kaur Khalsa

Judgement is darkness

that blocks your light

You are the light.SAM_2021.JPGSAM_2023.JPG


Cabal related:

Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?

Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Wolfowitz and the lies that he told in the high government positions that he held are responsible for a massive number of deaths and massive destruction in seven countries. Wolfowitz has announced his vote for Hillary Clinton. Does this make you feel reassured?

The real surprise would have been Wolfowitz’s announcement in favor of Donald Trump. So why was what was expected news?

Trump has said that he doesn’t see any future in the conflict Washington has initiated with Russia, and Trump questions the point of NATO’s continuing existence. These peaceful attitudes make Trump into a “national security risk” according to Wolfowitz. What Wolfowitz means is that a peace candidate is a threat to Wolfowitz’s doctrine of US world hegemony. In the crazed mind of Wolfowitz and the neoconservatives, America is not safe unless it rules the world.

Hillary is a warmonger, perhaps the ultimate and last one if she becomes president, as the combination of her hubris and incompetence is likely to result in World War 3. On July 3, 2015, Hillary declared: “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. . . . we would be able to totally obliterate them.” The crazed Hillary went on from this to declare the President of Russia to be “the new Hitler.” Little doubt she thinks she can obliterate Russia also.

Hillary is the one who brought zionist neocon Victoria Nuland into the State Department to oversee the US coup in Ukraine in order to create more propaganda against Russia and force Washington’s European vassals to impose sanctions and place military bases on Russia’s borders, thus provoking a nuclear power and raising dangerous tensions.

This fits in perfectly with Wolfowitz’s intention. As Wolfowitz is Hillary’s likely Secretary of Defense, the two together mean World War 3.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Wolfowitz, then a high Pentagon official, penned the Wolfowitz doctrine. The doctrine states that the principal goal of US foreign policy is to prevent the rise of other countries that could serve as constraints on US unilateralism. This means Russia and China,  The combination of Hillary with Wolfowitz should scare everyone in the entire world. The prospect of nuclear weapons being in such crazed hands as those of Hillary and Wolfowitz is the most alarming though imaginable.

The question is whether Hillary can be elected in the face of her violations of national security rules, for which she received a pass from corrupt Obama, and her heavily documented self-dealings that have produced a Clinton private fortune of $120 million and $1,600 million in their foundation. It is completely clear that the Clintons use public office for their private aggrandizement. Is this what Americans want? Two people who become even more rich as the world is led into nuclear war?

But with electronic voting machines, the question will not be decided by what Amerians want, but by how the electronic machines are programmed to report the vote. The US has already had elections in which the exit polls, always a reliable indicator of the winner prior to the appearance of electronic voting machines, indicated a different winner than the electronic voting machines produced. The secrecy of how the voting machines are programmed is protected by “proprietary software.” The machines have no paper trails, precluding vote recounts.

As both political establishments are fiercely opposed to Trump, how do you think the machines will be programmed? Indeed, the media is so opposed to Trump, the question is whether there will be exit polls and if there are, will they be misreported?

Republican operatives, not Republican voters, are all in a huff over their allegations that Trump is costing the Republicans votes. How can this be when Republican voters chose Trump over other candidates? Aren’t the Republican operatives saying that they, instead of the voters, should choose the Republican candidate?

If so, they are just like the Democrats. Some years ago the Democrat establishment created “super delegates” who are not chosen by voters. Enough “super delegates” were created in order to give the Party establishment the ability to over-ride the voters choice of presidential candidate. That it was the Democrats—allegedly the party of the people—who first took the choice away from the people is astonishing. Much information indicates that Bernie Sanders actually won the Democratic presidential nomination but was denied it by vote fraud and “super delegates.”

This is politics in America—totally corrupt. Chris Hedges might be right: nothing can change without revolution.

The demonization of Trump by the presstitutes is proof that Trump, despite his wealth, is regarded by the Oligarchs who comprise the One Percent as a threat to their agendas. The Oligarchs, not Trump, own or control the media. So the presstitute demonization of Trump is complete proof that he is the candidate to elect. The oligarchs who oppress us hate Trump, so the oppressed American people should support Trump.

The presstitute demonization of Trump did not work in the Republican primaries. Is it working in the presidential election? We don’t know, because the polls are reported by the presstitutes, not by Trump.

If the demonization does not work, and the election has to be stolen from Trump by the electronic machines, the consequence will be to radicalize Americans, something long overdue. Perhaps the expectation of this development is the reason all federal agencies, even the post office and Social Security, have acquired arms and ammunition, and Cheney’s firm Halliburton was paid $385,000,000 to build detention centers in the US.

Those who control us are not going to give up their control without a world war. In the United States evil has seized power from the people, and evil will not give it back.

No One Escapes the Shift

by Zen Gardner

It’s such a remarkable time we’re living in right now. All of this going on both within and without us is happening almost before we can even begin to identify what it is we’re going through or where we’re headed. It’s very much like we’re flying over and around new rocks in the stream of life and shooting down even more unexpected and sometimes seriously daunting rapids.

There’s not much else to think about while body surfing this incredible current.

I’m hearing from so many this sense of being in limbo and having to deal with unforeseen and quite immediate obstacles and issues that seem to be draining their time, attention and energy. Things arise in all of our lives that have to be dealt with, but so often the next move or decision seems to escape our awareness and it can make us feel confused and powerless.

It’s certainly not a time to make rash decisions. In fact, it’s important to stand back, observe and wait for the answers to manifest as much as possible. In the words of Ponka Chief White Eagle:

“When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists — as it surely will. Then act with courage.”

Our Strange Convergence

We all like to know where we’re headed at any given time. In less turbulent times this is usually possible to some degree and we’re used to having that luxury. But it’s becoming a lot more difficult. We’re being swept into new and exciting places with some sort of cosmic urgency.

We’ve long seen this coming and now we’re in it. It’s really two converging worlds – the vibrational changes our spaceship earth is passing through, as well as the stepped up insanity of the would-be controllers to block these energies and jam the beneficial signals available to us by instilling fear and insecurity, all while bombarding us with a toxic cocktail of electromagnetic, chemical, genetic, nuclear and techno-transhuman humanity-debilitating influences.

Hence this strange confluence of energies we’re experiencing, one source empowering and the other disempowering. This has always been humanity’s dilemma to varying degrees, but we’ve now entered the apex of our struggle for survival and eventual overcoming in a culmination of epochs such as the world has never seen before. And remember, no one is spared from these converging changes, even these wicked conspirators against mankind. Hence their desperate and chaotic behavior.

It’s we who they fear. And they should.

The fact that we are fully aware of our situation as outlined in my Manifesto of the Awakened and continue to thrive despite these onslaughts attests to the fact that we are a far superior race and fully capable of transcending this madness and taking our planet back. It only remains for each of us to do our part in this struggle.

Therein is the challenge. That we each activate. There’s no more stalling if any of us are to truly fulfill our sacred mission here.  After all, why are we here at this crucial time in history? Why not face reality head on and let your heart go free and spirit fly in the face of it all?

Feeling Our Way Through Converging Currents

While there’s a time to let go, there’s also a time to hold on. This is certainly true navigating a raging torrent or a sweeping tide. We can ride any wave to our advantage, but it’s also important to not take wrong turns and go with the wrong flows and get flushed down the gutter into the maws of the matrix.

Navigate these vibrational changes wisely – flow with it when necessary while still steering as best you can.

The beauty of losing control in a torrent such as this is that our heads and minds can’t get in the way. It’s too late and too immediate for that. We might have a few instinctive reflexes to try to keep our balance and heads above water but our old footing is gone during these times.

It’s nothing to fear. In fact it’s a good thing – a real good thing for a true conscious cosmonaut.

The irony is that some are clinging to the shore if they can find something to hang on to, but that too is giving way to the groundswell and growing deluge of change as even the shores cave in and into the maelstrom they too will soon be drawn. As everyone knows, panicking in a rip current or trying to swim directly to shore in a strong undertow is not only futile, but a deadly option. It’s a time to keep our wits about us and use the natural currents to our advantage, even though we may find the shore again at some distant unknown destination.

This is where the heart comes in. Fear is the killer – and the antidote is trust.

We’ll all be swept up into the fast moving tides of change as this shift proceeds so why not take the initiative and call the shots as much as you can while you can? You can feel something drawing you, something magical even. That’s the right river, the right current to follow. When you catch that current go ahead and venture out into the deep and let go and see where it takes you.

Desperately clinging to false realities can cost life and limb. Just remain conscious and steer your vessel with courage.

Too Fast and Too Furious – For Whom?

Our self identity is so intensely tested in times of change such as these – or any other for that matter. It’s just that this is as intense as it gets and will only get stronger as this phase unfolds.

We’re each on a quest, as reluctant as we may be at times. What beckons each and every human being is an illusive calling to fulfill something greater than ourselves.

Such is the underlying nature of humanity at large. The search for meaning and truth is a massively important influence that insistently attempts to direct our minds, our attention and our energy, despite the worldly influences that pound and surround us. Yet our hearts are astoundingly more powerful. Circumstances such as these are a perfect opportunity whereby we’re virtually coerced to release the old in order to flow into the new.

Much of it isn’t pleasant, that’s for sure. But heart directed intention as well as innate faith in the underlying truth that upholds us unconditionally are more than sufficient to keep us buoyed like corks in these wild cataracts of change we’re experiencing. Just stay clear of the crazies who don’t have a clue as to what’s going on. They’ll drag you down with them if you’re not careful.

Peace Amidst the Storm

This kind of deep knowing and trust supersedes circumstances. We can have the principle down and perhaps have had it tested on occasion, but when the big waves hit and waters appear violent and chaotic what responds is at a much deeper level. Navigating the maelstrong by dead reckoning becomes our compass as we listen to that inner voice of the heart founded in peace and deep faith. Everything else can only get in the way of a conscious response.

Therein lies the opportunity, the cleansing. Fears assail while attachments are instinctively dropped. Survival becomes the issue. Not just the left brained fight or flight instinct, but the conscious response that overrides those baser although essential reactions. It’s during such tests that we find out who we truly are, and can be.

Peace is never so beautiful as in the midst of a storm. We see that continually in our journey here. No matter how much we maneuver to avoid problems and tragedies, they happen. To all of us. If you know anyone who’s led an active and fulfilling life it’s no doubt been one of adventure and taking risks with many bumps and bruises along the way. Many interpret that as only looking for trouble, but in fact you’ll find consistently that they’ve escaped worse lives of boredom, frustration, monotony and disappointing, unfulfilled conformity.

Take the Mountain!

Such is the life of the security driven valley dweller. As for me, I’m climbing that mountain, and the one behind it and on up I’ll go, do or die…or both! As far as I’m concerned there is no other option. Besides, the valley dwellers are about to face a deluge they never dreamed would reach their little protected, secure village.

That just happens to be our current reality.

So why not get a head start up the hill? Leave the old life behind and get activated. Commit to being a whole-hearted part of the solution and no longer a part of the problem, whatever the cost. It’s a very simple switch to throw.

There are warm campfires of many who’ve chosen the path less traveled all the way up and through the mountain range that you can share. We’re lighting the way – why not come and help us?

The storm is hitting us all and it’s a time of decision. Let go into your higher self and calling, or fasten tighter to what is dissolving anyway.

It’s pretty clear cut if you ask me, but I know it doesn’t appear that way in the midst of all this. The true option has always been there. See this as a time of opportunity and simply go for it.

You’ll never regret it.

Love always,


We have been lead to believe that aging and death are inevitable. Wrong.


We have been conditioned to think we are weak and vulnerable, needing many different pharmaceuticals to keep us going.

We have been taught that natural healing is cute, but don’t give up on you MD.

For broken bones, please keep you doc’s number, but for wellness and vital health, this is the purpose of this site.

But as for keeping radiantly healthy is this new era, we need to throw out most of what we have always known and believed. Leave it all for the dumpster.

This new age demands new answers and perspectives. We need a road map to follow, along with our own inner guidance. Our discernment should always be our final thought. How does this information, person or this circumstance feel to me?

Always remember that while I may write longhand as a doctor, and my signature is unreadable, I only am giving advise as a lay person. Just an ordinary citizen living on this wonderful planet.medicinal-herb-garden-600x450.jpg

Herbs and all sorts of natural medicines are here for us and such a gift from Mother Nature. Our lack of knowledge, combined with greed, is how we have gotten into our pharmaceutical gluttony.

I would like to dedicate this page to total wellness, and vitality.

But our perfect body is just as an empty suit. No matter how fabulous we look.

We must realize our true nature. We are not just humans with a spirit inside, but we are immortal souls temporarily wearing these human bodies as a learning tool.

To further our growth, we chose to come here at this time to be a part of this “shift of the ages”.

Call it what you will, we lifeforms on this planet are changing due to vibrational changes. It is evolution. We are rapidly moving into even more and higher frequencies of photonics and gamma ray areas of our galaxy that we hit ever 13,000 years or so. I guess?

I am not a scientist, and I am open to other’s ideas.

There ARE times of huge and cataclysmic changes to this world. That is known. We are now living in such a time. Sometimes it is hard to see, but as we are not solid, but we are made of waves of energy, our thoughts and our focus are powerful in changing us. the changes manifest first in our etheric bodies, but will very shortly be visible on our plane of physicality.

We are lucky to be here at this auspicious time in human history.

We are here now by our choice because we wanted to be able to wake up, and then help out.We are the only ones that can do it.

This is a free will zone, so ALL must find their way for themselves.

All will find their way back to the light, especially if loving guidance is there when the time is right. That time will be right as Divinely planned by the amount of new light and frequency that is comfortably attainable for each person. All will be where they should be. All is good.

Take good care of your body’s needs. Drink lots of water and meditate.

Love and out for now.


DSCF2606Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness

4 Reasons To Use Homemade Basil And Cucumber Body Scrub


by Leilani Hampton

The Alternative Daily

Did you know that basil has been used for years in traditional Asian and Indian medicine practices as a natural anti-inflammatory, antiviral antibiotic and diuretic? Who knew this herb could treat so many health issues! That’s just the beginning. In the 16th century, basil leaves were used to remedy migraines and chest infections. Centuries ago, Italian women wore basil to attract possible suitors.

This recipe is a wonderful way to enjoy a refreshing, light scrub without harsh chemicals and overwhelming scents. It will exfoliate dull skin cells while hydrating your skin, leaving it soft to touch. I don’t know about you but I could use an exfoliant every now and then. It’s the perfect way to wake up in the morning. Here are four reasons why basil can help you start your day off right.

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1. It reduces anxiety

Research tells us that roughly 18 percent of Americans struggle regularly with stress-induced anxiety. As someone who struggles with anxiety, what better way to start the day than with a scrub that can lower your stress level? While you take your morning shower and exfoliate, you’ll reap the benefits of aromatherapy and lower your stress at the same time.

2. It’s antibacterial and antifungal

Researchers have evaluated the effects of basil oil against six forms of bacteria and three strains of fungi — and it works! Use basil essential oil in your home to remove bacteria from kitchens and bathrooms, prevent contamination and purify the air. While you rinse off and use this amazing scrub, you’re also disinfecting your shower. How cool is that? You can also try diffusing or vaporizing basil oil. Or, combine it with water in a spray bottle to rub down surfaces in your home.

3. It works as an insect repellant

This is another great benefit for those who use the scrub first thing in the morning, especially during summer months when there are more insects than we know what to do with. The volatile oils found in basil can repel mosquitoes and prevent bug bites, acting as a natural insect repellant. You can also make a homemade bug spray or lotion by diluting several drops of basil essential oil with a carrier oil and massaging it into your skin. If you already have a bug bite, try rubbing on some basil essential oil to soothe the swelling.

4. It’s an energizer and mood enhancer

Inhaling basil essential oil helps restore your mental alertness and fight fatigue since it’s a natural stimulant that works on the nervous system and adrenal cortex. It can also reduce symptoms like sluggishness, brain fog, sore muscles and poor moods that come along with adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome. Spray it around your home, sniff it straight from the bottle or dab several drops on your wrists, chest and back for an instant pick-me-up.

DIY Basil and Cucumber Body Scrub

Basil is a go-to essential oil with many amazing benefits. This natural recipe is easy, free of chemicals and chock-full of health-supporting properties.

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  • 3/4 cup chopped cucumber
  • Basil leaves, as desired
  • 1/4 cup liquid coconut oil
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 10 drops basil essential oil


  • Blender
  • Jar with lid for storage


  1. Wash the cucumber and basil leaves and pat them dry.
  2. Chop the cucumber into pieces and add them in the blender, along with the basil leaves, sugar and liquid coconut oil.
  3. Blend until cucumbers are completely mixed with other ingredients, and the scrub forms a smooth consistency.
  4. Add 10 drops of the essential oil, or more if preferred. Blend one more time until mixed.
  5. Pour the mixture into your jar — feel free to get creative with storage! A batch of this wonderful scrub will last in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

You might also want to double this recipe so you can use it often and give some away. It’s so easy to make, I always have some in my refrigerator so it’s handy to grab first thing in the morning. Please be careful not to slip in the shower since the oil and water make a slippery surface. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do!

Thanks to:



We must restore the integrity and healthfulness of our food system.

Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times

Monsanto has a long and infamous history of manufacturing and bringing to market such chemicals as DDT, Agent Orange, aspartame, Roundup and dioxin1 — chemical compounds from which society continues to feel the effects.

In an effort to distance the current corporation from past deeds, Monsanto refers to the company prior to 2002 as “the former Monsanto” in their news releases.2However, nothing has really changed aside from their PR machine.

While Monsanto has branched into genetic engineering (GE) of plants, the sale of patented GE seeds simply feeds the need for the company’s pesticides. Monsanto is STILL primarily a purveyor of toxins, not life.

Monsanto began forging a unique and financially advantageous relationship with the U.S. government starting with the company’s involvement in the Manhattan Project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. During the Vietnam War they were the leading producer of Agent Orange.

The specialization in the production and distribution of toxic chemicals continues today.

Their influence over government runs so deep that despite the fact 64 other countries have been labeling genetically engineered (GE) foods for years, the U.S. now has the distinction of being the first country to un-label GE foods at the urging of a company producing mass amounts of GE seeds.

Monsanto and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

In the latter part of the 1920s, Monsanto was the largest producer of PCBs. This chemical was used in lubricant for electric motors, hydraulic fluids and to insulate electrical equipment.3 Old fluorescent light fixtures and electrical appliances with PCB capacitors may still contain the chemical.

During the years PCB was manufactured and used, there were no controls placed on disposal. Since PCBs don’t break down under many conditions, they are now widely distributed through the environment and have made the journey up the food chain.4

Between the inception and distribution of the product and its subsequent ban in the late 1970s, an estimated 1.5 billion pounds were distributed in products around the world.5

Monsanto was the primary manufacturer of PCBs in the U.S. under the trade name Aroclor. Health problems associated with exposure to the chemical were noted as early as 1933 when 23 of 24 workers at the production plant developed pustules, loss of energy and appetite, loss of libido and other skin disturbances.6

According to Monsanto’s public timeline, it was in 1966 that “Monsanto and others began to study PCB persistence in the environment.”7 However, seven years earlier, Monsanto’s assistant director of their Medical Department wrote:

“… [S]ufficient exposure, whether by inhalation of vapors or skin contact, can result in chloracne which I think we must assume could be an indication of a more systemic injury if the exposure were allowed to continue.”8

In 1967, Shell Oil called to inform Monsanto of press reports from Sweden, noting that PCBs were accumulating in mammals further up the food chain. Shell asked for PCB samples to perform their own analytical studies.9

With full knowledge of the devastation expected to the environment and humanity, it wasn’t until 11 years later, in 1977, that Monsanto reportedly pulled production on PCB.10

PCBs Are Probable Human Carcinogens

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Toxicology Program, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIEHS) have identified PCBs as either probable, potential or reasonably likely to cause cancer in humans.11

If it seems like these agencies are couching their words, they are. Human studies have noted increased rates of liver cancer, gall bladder cancer, melanomas, gastrointestinal cancer, biliary tract cancer, brain cancer and breast cancer when individuals had higher levels of PCB chemicals in their blood and tissue.12

However, the EPA limits the ability of researchers to link a chemical as a carcinogen unless there is conclusive proof. While this proof is evident in animal studies, you can’t feed these chemicals to humans and record the results. Thus PCBs are a “probable” carcinogen in humans. Other health effects from PCBs include:

  • Babies born with neurological and motor control delays including lower IQ, poor short-term memory and poor performance on standardized behavioral assessment tests
  • Disrupted sex hormones including shortened menstrual cycles, reduced sperm count and premature puberty
  • Imbalanced thyroid hormone affecting growth, intellectual and behavioral development
  • Immune effects, including children with more ear infections and chickenpox

Once PCBs are absorbed in the body they deposit in the fat tissue. They are not broken down or excreted. This means the number of PCBs build over time and move up the food chain. Smaller fish are eaten by larger ones and eventually land on your dinner table.

Chemical Poisoning Begins Before Birth

A recent study at the University of California demonstrated that PCBs are found in the blood of pregnant women.13 Before birth, the umbilical cord delivers approximately 300 quarts of blood to your baby every day.

Not long ago, researchers believed the placenta would shield your developing baby from most pollutants and chemicals. Now we know it does not.

The umbilical cord is a lifeline between mother and child, sustaining life and propelling growth. However, in recent research cord blood contained between 200 and 280 different chemicals; 180 were known carcinogens and 217 were toxic to the baby’s developing nervous system.14

The deposits of chemicals in your body or the body of your developing baby are called your “body burden” of chemicals and pollution.

A steady stream of chemicals from the environment during a critical time of organ and system development has a significant impact on the health of your child, both in infancy and as the child grows to adulthood.

Tracey Woodruff, Ph.D., director of the University of California San Francisco Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment, was quoted in a press release, saying:

“It was surprising and concerning to find so many chemicals in pregnant women without fully knowing the implications for pregnancy. Several of these chemicals in pregnant women were at the same concentrations that have been associated with negative effects in children from other studies.

In addition, exposure to multiple chemicals that can increase the risk of the same adverse health outcome can have a greater impact than exposure to just one chemical.”

Butyl Benzyl Phthalate — Another Monsanto Product

Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), also manufactured by Monsanto, was recently implicated in cell fat storage.15 This specific phthalate was found in human fluids and had an effect on the accumulation of fat inside cells.

BBP is used in the manufacture of vinyl tile, as a plasticizer in PVC pipe, carpets, conveyer belts and weather stripping in your home and office.

Like other phthalates used in the production of plastics, BBP is not bound to the product and can be released into your environment. It may be absorbed by crops and move up the food chain.16 The biggest source of exposure is food.

Drive-through hamburgers and take-out pizzas may be increasing your intake of phthalates. The danger is not in the food itself but in the products used to handle it. The study analyzed data from nearly 9,000 individuals, finding the one-third who had eaten at a fast food restaurant had higher levels of two different phthalates.17

Potentially, BBP may adversely affect your reproductive function. However, at lower doses it also has an effect on your kidneys, liver and pancreas.18 Increased risks of respiratory disorders and multiple myelomas have also been reported in people who have exposure to products manufactured with BBP.19 An increasing waistline from BBP exposure may also reduce your fertility.

Low Sperm Count and Infertility Affecting Animals and Humans

A 26-year study of fertility in dogs, published recently, has distinct similarities to infertility rates in humans. In this study, researchers evaluated the ejaculate of nearly 2,000 dogs. Over the 26 year period, they found a drop in sperm motility of 2.4 percent per year.20

Additionally, both the semen and the testicles of castrated dogs contained by PCBs and phthalates, implicated in other studies to reduction in fertility. Phthalates have been implicated in both decreased sperm motility and quality of your sperm,21 affecting both fertility and the health of your children.22

Researchers used dogs in this study as they live in the same environment as their owners, and often eat some of the same food. This correlation between sperm function and concentration, and environment and food in dogs and humans is significant.

In those 26 years there was also a rise in cryptorchidism in male pups (a condition where the testicles don’t descend into the scrotum) born to stud dogs who experienced a decline in sperm quality and motility.23 Cryptorchidism and undescended testicles, occurs at a rate of 1 in 20 term male human infants and 1 in 3 pre-term babies.24

Problems with infertility are also affecting marine animals at the top of the food chain. In the western waters of the Atlantic, the last pod of Orcas are doomed to extinction. High levels of PCB have been found in the fat of over 1,000 dolphins and Orcas in the past 20 years. Now taking a toll on the animal’s fertility, this pod of Orcas has not reproduced in the 19 years it has been under study.25

Orcas were living in the North Sea until the 1960s. At that time PCB pollution peaked in the area and the Orca whales disappeared. The same happened in the Mediterranean Sea, where the whales flourished until the 1980s. This pod off the coast of the U.K. is the last living pod in that area.

Monsanto’s Argument in PCB Lawsuits

Although Monsanto denies culpability and knowledge of the danger behind the chemical PCB, you’ll discover internal documentation in this video that they did, in fact, know of the danger while manufacturing and distributing the product. Monsanto is currently embroiled in several lawsuits across eight cities and the argument is over who owns the rain. The cities are suing Monsanto in Federal Court, saying PCBs manufactured by Monsanto have polluted the San Francisco Bay.26

Monsanto attorney Robert Howard argues that because the city does not own the water rights, the city does not have the right to sue. And, because the PCBs have not damaged city property, such as corroding pipes, Howard claims it is a state problem. Scott Fiske, attorney for three cities, countered with the city’s regulatory interests in management of storm water as a fundamental function of the city.27

While Fiske claims he can prove Monsanto knew the product was hazardous as early as 1969, Howard maintains the company should not be liable for the use of the chemicals it produced.

In 2001, Monsanto attorneys in the Owens v. Monsanto case, acknowledged only one health threat from exposure to PCBs: chloracne, and instead argued that since the entire planet has been contaminated, they are innocent of all liability.28 The attorney for Monsanto was quoted in the Chemical Industry Archives, saying:

“The truth is that PCBs are everywhere. They are in meat, they are in everyone in the courtroom, they are everywhere and they have been for a long time, along with a host of other substances.” 29

The cities currently engaged in lawsuits against Monsanto for damage to the environment and waterways include Berkley, Oakland, San Jose, Portland, Spokane, Seattle, Long Beach and San Diego. All eight cities attempted to combine their cases against the agrochemical giant but were unsuccessful when one judge found the issues were different enough to warrant separate cases.30

Monsanto’s Deep Pockets

Monsanto petitioned the Federal Court to dismiss Portland’s lawsuit, claiming it would countersue, adding years to the process. It is likely Monsanto would increase the scope of the case and include companies who used the product and released the PCBs.31Meanwhile, three plaintiffs in St. Louis received better news in May 2016 when a jury awarded them a total of $46.5 million, finding Monsanto negligent in the production of PCBs.32

This suit claimed Monsanto sold PCBs even after it learned about the dangers, bringing to court internal documents dated 1955, which stated: “We know Aroclors [PCBs] are toxic but the actual limit has not been precisely defined.”33 To date this win over Monsanto has been rare. Williams Kherkher, attorney for the plaintiffs, explained in EcoWatch:34

“The only reason why this victory is rare is because no one has had the money to fight Monsanto.”

Kherkher and other firms pooled their resources in this case and expect wins in upcoming lawsuits. The firm has accumulated the names of approximately 1,000 plaintiffs with claims against Monsanto and PCBs.

SAD NEWS: House Passes DARK Act Compromise

The House passed a compromise to the DARK Act that will force food distributors to disclose the presence of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients with a smartphone scan code. President Obama has signed the bill that removes states’ rights for labeling GMOs. The bill is full of loopholes, which may allow genetically modified ingredients to slip through unannounced.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), aka GE foods, are live organisms whose genetic components have been artificially manipulated in a laboratory setting through creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacteria and even viral genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods.

GMO proponents claim that genetic engineering is “safe and beneficial,” and that it advances the agricultural industry. They also say that GMOs help ensure the global food supply and sustainability. But is there any truth to these claims? I believe not. For years, I’ve stated the belief that GMOs pose one of the greatest threats to life on the planet. Genetic engineering is NOT the safe and beneficial technology that it is touted to be.

The FDA cleared the way for GE Atlantic salmon to be farmed for human consumption. Thanks to added language in the federal spending bill, the product will require special labeling so at least consumers will have the ability to identify the GE salmon in stores. However, it’s imperative ALL GE foods be labeled clearly without a smartphone scan code because not everyone owns a smartphone.

The FDA is threatening the existence of our food supply. We have to start taking action now. I urge you to share this article with friends and family. If we act together, we can make a difference and put an end to the absurdity.

Boycott Smart Labels Today

When you see the QR code or so-called Smart Label on a food product, pass it by. Products bearing the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association’s (GMA) Smart Label mark are in all likelihood filled with pesticides and/or GMO ingredients.

The GMA’s 300-plus members include chemical technology companies, GE seed and food and beverage companies. Monsanto, Dow and Coca-Cola are just some of the heavy-hitters in this powerful industry group, which has showed no qualms about doing whatever it takes to protect the interest of its members.

Don’t waste your time searching through their website, which may or may not contain the information you’re looking for. If they insist on wasting your time and making your shopping difficult, why reward them with a purchase?

A little known fact is that the GMA actually owns the “Smart Label” trademark that Congress has accepted as a so-called “compromise” to on-package GMO labeling, and that’s another reason why I believe the Smart Label mark is the mark of those with something to hide, such as Monsanto.

Will you financially support a corrupt, toxic and unsustainable food system, or a healthy, regenerative one? There are many options available besides big-brand processed foods that are part of the “GMA’s verified ring of deception.” You can:

  • Shop at local farms and farmers markets
  • Only buy products marked either “USDA 100 percent Organic” (which by law cannot contain GMOs), “100 percent Grass-Fed,” or “Non-GMO Verified”
  • If you have a smartphone and you don’t mind using it, download the OCA’s Buycott app to quickly and easily identify the thousands of proprietary brands belonging to GMA members, so you can avoid them, as well as identify the names of ethical brands that deserve your patronage

Last but not least, encourage good companies to reject QR codes and to be transparent and clear with their labeling. This will eventually ensure that all GMO foods can easily be identified by the GMA’s “verified ring of deception” mark that is the Smart Label.

Campbell’s, Mars, Kellogg’s, ConAgra and General Mills all vowed to voluntarily comply with Vermont’s GMO labeling law by labeling all of their foods sold across the U.S. Will their plans change now that the law has been passed by Congress and signed by the President? That remains to be seen, but if you like these companies, I would encourage you to reach out to them and ask them to remain steadfast in their promise.


Skagway, AK.

Preparing for the Third Wave and Timeline Shift

Aug 18, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Our third wave of 2016 will be very significant to our Ascension process. There is much light intel presenting for this particular Gateway, here are the details.

Timeline Shift: Over the last few months the intel has been reminding us about the timeline possibility available in September. The strongest wave of Light in decades is about to enter our realm, and it brings pre-agreements set in place, by us, to make a choice between acceleration or a steady unfoldment.

These collective timeline splits have occurred several times throughout the Shift. Typically these decisions are in the hands of Gatekeepers and the Galactics; we review how the collective is doing, what they can handle, and adjust accordingly. Now that there are so many awakened, so many engaging with Ascension practices and heart-based patterns, the acceleration can be more dramatic. However, it must be a conscious choice of the High-vibe Tribe to accelerate the Ascension timelines. We need to choose before the wave enters in September, because the light will be encoded properly for the experience we choose.

As a Gatekeeper and Liaison for this intel, I ask everyone to choose their experiences wisely, because the next wave also presents a timeline split – a division of experiences of Ascension. We always have unique-to-you experiences in this realm, because you are Creator-In-Carnate, however a division is presenting and we have the chance to shift everyone to a more expanded, heightened experience of Divine Love as the Ascension unfolds upon Gaia.

Timeline possibilities are numerous, however on occasion we have trigger points in the Shift where higher vibrational timelines present for the collective choice. Each has numerous possibilities for how they play out, however the main experiences are described below.

There are two main timeline possibilities presenting for the September Gateways:

1. An accelerated Christed Ascension timeline which will speed up the process and prepare a greater number of souls for the 2017 dimensional shift. This involves accelerated clearing, full disclosure and heightened embodiment experiences for those participating in Ascension.
2. An Ascension timeline (they are all Ascension timelines at this point) which steadily allows for collective unfoldments (slower rate, less Divine intervention). This may be frustrating for many awakened however a good learning tool for patience and collective action.

Gateways, like timelines, have always been about possibilities; opportunities of us to accelerate/level up or keep the steady pace of the Shift. Conscious actions of many awakened Lightworkers have continually leveled up the collective by proxy, raising the bar through Gatework, Gridwork, and the constant Global and personal activity of heart-based Ascension practices. The first two waves of 2016 knocked many Lightworkers off balance, and many are absorbed in their own experience of the physical. If your intention is Unity Consciousness, it is time to reunite with HUmans however you can and spread the Lovelight you have Mastered. Do this in alignment with the New Light; repeating old light habits or creations will feel like madness.

How to choose the higher accelerated timeline for all:
Align all of you words, deeds, actions, thoughts with Love. Learn this Now and practice it each moment.
Revisit your Ascension practices and keep the Soul-Spirit-Form trinity fully engaged with its Christed embodiment.
Avoid emotional entanglement with the lower timeline activities (media, politics, financial issues, emotional triggers, etc.) Care, but don’t carry.
Galactic Council members: Bring this up in your meetings, renegotiate your contracts to align with the acceleration, assemble your Teams and ask for their full support of the accelerated timeline. (Take note of who resists – that can be telling.)
Get out on Gaia and co-create with her and your fellow Humans. Call forth the unfoldment of the accelerated timeline. This is a Gatekeeper practice for when timeline splits present; call forth the higher reality to reveal itself to all. It already exists as a possibility, now we light-ground it into this reality with our creations.
Use your crystals, meditate, dance, sing, tone, create, open your Christed portals, open your DNA, clear the land and grids, light this planet and the HUman heart grid up daily. If called to travel, or work on a specific area before the wave, heed that call.
Reflect the higher experience; what does it feel like, what do you do on the accelerated journey? Take a look and align your activities, emotions and thoughts with that reality.
Speak your Truth and be kind to all. It is a highly charged passage as this wave enters. Stand in your Mastery as the sovereign, humble, blessed being you are. Keep centered and clear of the lower entanglements; no judgment, no doubt, no fear.

There is a great amount of heart activation available. Excitement is in the air. The higher realms bless us, however the collective timeline choice must be made by those with aspects in form.

Triple Eclipse Portals: Triple eclipse portals of August 18 (lunar), September 1 at 2:01am PDT (Solar), and September 16 at 11:54am PDT (lunar) assist in bringing in these collective consciousness-shifting energies. Treat them as Gateway influxes; open your portals, open yourself to receive. Gaia consciously monitors and responds to your thoughts, creations and emotions. Show her what we desire, ask her (verbally – use your voice) to release the codes and frequencies to level up the Tribe and provide the accelerated experience.

September 9th – 11th; Initial Wave Entry: The Third wave begins to trickle in September 9th – 11th. Most of you can feel it building already, it is already affecting the SUN with its powerful frequencies. Solar plasma will be greatly affected, which affects Gaia’s magnetics, activating (very) ancient codes for the dimensional shift. This is a big push for the accelerated timeline of Ascension. It does not happen without our command, our intention, and our ability to take (immediate) action on creating the Shift.

September 22 Equinox: The Equinox lands on September 22 at 7:21amPDT. This is the Gateway opening for the new level of consciousness. Honor it properly, be outside on Gaia as much as possible. The SUN and Gaia will have a strong bond during this Gateway, and our intentions for balance, peace, harmony and Ascension will be greatly amplified.

September 26 -29: Our Third Wave of 2016. This is our strongest influx in decades. Be excited, let’s do it right! These photonic frequencies further accelerate the activity of Ascension and will continue to flow in for several weeks. You may have noticed the Light does not step down in between waves any longer. This is a good thing; we are able to maintain higher levels of light without integration periods as in the past. Each wave this year has raised the light level dramatically, and accelerated the Ascension. The purging, revelatory activity continues to build to compliment Source’s command for order, harmony and Ascension.

By the time this wave hits, we will have collectively chosen the acceleration opportunity. I feel we are capable of experiencing an acceleration without too much duress, or at least we are prepared to assist the collective properly. A heart-based expression, embodying the Christed state of peace, has tremendous power as this unfolds. Many are experiencing the neutralizing effect of the crystalline level of Divine Love. I AM confident the Light Tribe will flow through this passage with ease and grace.

In Love, Light and Service,

August 19 update – NOTE: A siSTAR asked for clarification on wether the Tribe can handle an acceleration. This is the question we all must tap in to – it is not a hasty decision, and it requires integrity because you will be called into service if you have needed skills. I will write more on *Acceleration = Responsibility* next week. There is a lot to do before I depart from Mount Shasta on September 2; here is a brief response:

This decision is not an intention to override the collective’s highest good, it is choosing maximum acceleration in the highest interests of all concerned. Many may say *I choose*, then not demonstrate that in their activities (which is making a slower timeline choice). This is an opportunity for Lightworkers to drop the complaints about the difficulties we are presented with, the old belief systems, and move forward through the heart.

It also means clemency for many beings, which means MUCH forgiveness on our part. It requires more transparency from the Light Tribe (to create transparency for all), creative action to reveal the higher truth of Ascension (rather than waiting for an event), open sharing of spiritual disclosure (rather than hiding, veiling your own truth), and preparation to receive a new wave of awakened ones with clarity and non-judgment (out of the cave, into action).

Each primary timeline has many secondary and tertiary outcomes – this is one of those junctures where great acceleration is possible, and I feel it is probable. The wave arrives regardless of our choice; it is the power of the impact, and our ability to call forth its strongest aspects which we decide in the next 2 weeks.

The stronger light will enter, regardless of our choice. It’s what we create with it – our collective realty – which gets affected by timeline manifestation. The stronger frequencies/codes will accelerate those prepared to experience it, while the collective timeline of awakening, revelation, disclosure, etc. can be sped up in the highest interests of all concerned. Individual choice of experience can override what is available; this timeline choice is aimed at transparency and further expansion of consciousness. More rapid spiritual awakenings, more support available for conscious HUmans. We are not looking for folks to get spun out, rather they become empowered and begin to create realities in alignment with higher, peaceful, heart-based outcomes.

I will write about *Acceleration = Responsibility* next week. I need to be offline for a bit to work with Shasta, thank you for your support. I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You.

In Love, Light and Service,


One thought on “living in this new and awesome age.

  1. Accelerated ascension timeline now set.

    You are currently in a corridor of preparation. The collective has chosen an accelerated timeline and everything has shifted. There are always many probable timelines available to you in any moment. There were several potential timelines beginning in September that would carry you through the rest of the year. It was always going to be a major milestone in the ascension process, it was just a matter of how rapidly it would occur.

    The Lion’s Gate Portal of this year was a testing ground so to speak. Those of us who are tasked with monitoring the state of humanity to ensure that this process unfolds in the most compassionate way possible, were waiting to see how your planet would respond to the energies and in turn the effect that it would have on All That Is. The current astrological aspects are also in support of rapid expansion and growth. The two timelines that were the most likely for this period were both ones of continued ascension. However there was one that could be labeled more “intermediate” and one that was considered to be more “advanced” and accelerated.

    You are ready for and have chosen the accelerated timeline. Surprisingly this was not the timeline that had the greatest probability of coming to the fore. We were pleasantly surprised by how quickly and how resiliently you were (as a collective) able to integrate these energies. You may be wondering who exactly chose the accelerated path? You did. Your choices made through your human experience as well as the choices from your higher selves and light teams all made the decision together to proceed on this timeline.

    Those of us working behind the scenes of your experience have been moving quickly to prepare for the advanced timeline scenarios that are already unfolding. The ones who you would deem the “dark hats” have seen their power and control reduced dramatically much to their dismay. Those of you who are tasked with being way showers and guides, who are what we would consider to be of the First and Second Wave have expanded rapidly and moved well beyond our previous expectations. The Third Wave that is arriving at its peak in September is already being felt and received by many of you. This Third Wave of energy is in large part the reason for the acceleration. The effect of this wave will be tremendous and will awaken The Third Wave of those on the chosen path of Ascension.

    Consider for a moment an image of actors getting ready to go on stage for their opening night performance. Suddenly the director calls the cast and crew together and says that there have been some script revisions, modifications to the set design, and some cast changes too. He says that everyone has an hour to make all of the necessary changes as opening night will go on as scheduled. You can imagine the flurry of activity that would occur! This is an apt analogy of what is currently happening.

    What does this mean for your practical day to day lives? First it means that September and the rest of the year will see even more intense and rapid growth in all areas. It will, as always be relative to where you are at any given moment. Great care is consistently taken to ensure that you will never be pushed beyond the limits of what you can handle. However, consider that it will be like an athlete who has suddenly decided to move her training to something more along the lines of a high intensity workout. She will work within the acceptable limits of what she is capable of, but she will be pushing herself in all areas and will be putting her skills and abilities to the test. She will discover new limits and levels of endurance by going beyond what her mind and body thought she was previously capable of.

    Secondly it means that for the next week or so, many of you may find your connections to your guides, higher selves and light teams will be different or “off”. You may also experience physical shifts and symptoms. This is no cause for concern and is temporary. Of course seek medical attention if you feel it is required. The rapid shift to this timeline has accelerated everything, including frequency upgrades and energy downloads. It is similar to when your computer needs a software update and briefly needs to go off line to reboot, download and update the information and restart. This will mean different things for all of you depending on where you stand. Andrew is already finding himself napping more frequently through out the day as often his sleep is not restful because he is quite active in dream state at night. As always, honor the needs of the emotional, physical, energetic, mental and spiritual selves. Check in frequently at these five levels of awareness to see what these different aspects require to be healthy, balanced, and thriving. We have guided Andrew to begin each day by checking in with these levels of self to see what is on the agenda for each of them. Also, checking in through out the day whenever he feels off, or stuck, or uncertain of how to proceed brings immediate clarity to the situation. As a result of this “reboot”, on the other side of August, many of you will see rapid shifts in your awareness, your connectedness, your abilities and your experience of what you perceive. It will be a very sudden, rapid, upgrade that will surprise many of you.

    Thirdly it means that you may see plans suddenly changing. What you had previously perhaps planned to do next month may either happen much sooner, or will no longer be a viable option at all. You may find sudden shifts in relationships, living situations, jobs, geographical location, etc. that suddenly require your attention and awareness. Everything is always “planned” from your current energetic state at any given moment in time. When a big leap occurs in your current time/space position, subsequently everything that was to come shifts rapidly too. This often means that what was previously a high potentiality for manifestation as an experience becomes null and void. The best guidance we can give for the next few months is: Go with the flow!

    Lastly, we would advise you to go into meditation, connect with your Higher Selves and your Light Teams and request that any previous downloads or integrations that have not been completed be processed at this time. The waves of energy that have been arriving at your planet and to yourselves beginning in September of last year have been some of the most powerful energies you have ever had access to while in human form. Often times your Higher Selves and Light Teams make the decision to hold off on certain updates to allow you time to rest and recover before the next integration. We wish for you to understand that there is very little if any time for rest in between the energies that are now beginning to arrive and that will continue on into 2017. This is no cause for alarm, this is actually quite an exciting development! You have all exceeded any previous projections of what you could handle and are well capable of handling this.

    It should be noted that many souls will leave the planet in the months to come through their own experience. This is always in line with their soul choices and the Divine Will. No one is ever subject to something “happening to them” that is outside of their sovereign choice. Many souls agreed to come live incarnate to hold space until the current timeline began to unfold allowing their energies to serve in support of the collective. Other souls knew that they would have a choice as to whether or not they would ascend at this time and held the option to make their decision once this timeline arrived and are making their decisions now. Still others simply knew that they would not be making the journey of ascension in this lifetime and chose to exit physicality prior to this shift. All of these choices are in alignment with what their soul has decided upon before they began this chapter of this physical experience.

    Above all else, don’t feed the fears. The majority of humans on the planet at this time are still not consciously aware of what is occurring. They see the chaos and collapse around them and go into fear. They still seek direction and guidance from the mainstream sources of information, believing it to be honest and in integrity. They still cling to the hope that the institutions that tell them they have their best interests at heart are genuine in their intent. We ask you to hold compassion for them. We remind you that going into judgement of these souls and labeling them as perhaps less than those who are awake serves no good. If you have not grasped the basic concept that we are all in this together; that the collective is a body of which we are ALL a part, then you have a call to review your basic teachings of acceptance and Unity.

    There is not one soul in all of creation that does not serve a purpose of moving towards the greater good for all within their current incarnation. You have no real way of knowing what another soul has chosen to experience for their own growth and evolution at this moment. Your place is not to judge or exclude others based upon the illusions of separation. Allow them space to have their own experience as you wish to be allowed space for your own. Certainly you don’t have to participate in their version of reality, but remember that they are sovereign just as you.

    This will be an exciting finish to the year of 2016. It holds incredible experiences for you all.

    In love and light we leave you.


    The Lighted Ones.

    Copyright © Andrew Martin.


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